Universitas Andalas

Faculty of Economics


Audit Sistem Berbasis Komputer 

(Information System Auditing)

Lecturer :      Amsal Djunid

URL: http://amsaldjunid.orgfree.com

Email: amsaldjunid(@,yahoo.com

Phone: 0811665118


Course Description

Course material provides prospective auditors with the skills required to examine a company's hardware, software, and data organization and processing methods to ensure quality control and security and surveys the tools necessary to implement an effective IS audit. Included are specific procedures and illustrative case studies useful for auditors and information security professionals, as well as a survey of the tools required for audits involving outsourced systems, large mainframes or stand-alone desktops. It covers physical, logical, and environmental security; security certifications; computer forensics; e-commerce and Internet security including encryption and cryptography; information privacy laws and regulations; and project management controls. It surveys the latest types of security certifications as well as presenting the nature and importance of physical security controls, adequate insurance, and digital surveillance systems.


Weber, R. Information Systems Control and Audit, Prentice Hall, 1999 (Compulsory)

Champlain, Auditing Information Systems (2nd ed.), Wiley, 2003

Cobit 4.1 (2007) IT Governance Institute.. www.itgi.org (C)


Time Table :  Mon   10.15-12.15

Venue: R3.2





Sub Topics


Home Work


Introducing the unit

§  Syllabus

§  Literature review




Introduction – Overview of Information Systems Auditing

§  Control and computer systems

§  Computer auditing

§  IS Auditing scoop

W ch.1

Reading notes


Conducting an Information Systems Audit

§  Control and risk

§  Audit risk

§  Audit steps and procedures

§  IS auditing techniques

W ch.2

Reading notes


Introduction to Database and DBMS



Paper preparation


Starting Literature Review Writing

§  Plan the paper contents

§  Writing Introduction


Bring your references


IS Development Auditing

§  System Development Approaches

§  the process for procuring and developing systems, the development controls and explains how the latter mitigate risk

§  Compares different types of development, including incremental, prototyping and rapid application development

§  Identifies the main types of systems documentation and explains what they evidence

§  assess the effectiveness of system design and explains the role of quality assurance

§  outsource facilities and identifies the risks and mitigating controls

§  Identifies the main types of outsourcing, including bureau, application service provision, facilities management, maintenance

§  Identifies the use of service level agreements and methods of service measurement

§  Identifies the main stages of systems implementation, including system configuration, data migration and interfaces to legacy systems, and identify the risks and mitigating controls

§  Compares different types of post project and development process reviews, including post-implementation reviews and learning from experience

W ch.4

Reading notes


Database Management Control

§  DA and  DBA

W ch. 6

Reading notes

8 Mid Term Test


Security and Operation Management control

§  Security program

§  security treat

§  Computer Operation  and net work

§  Outsourcing control

W ch. 7 & 8

Reading notes


The Application Control

§ Physical and environmental controls
• business continuity planning and disaster recovery
• network controls
• system software controls
• database controls
• application controls
• Internet and e-commerce controls
• installation and operational controls
• change controls
• access controls
• encryption, authentication and non-repudiation
• personnel controls
• end-user controls
• software licensing controls.

W ch.10/11/12/13/14/15

Reading notes


Evidence collection: Audit software

§  Generalized Audit Software

§  High level language

§  Specific Audit Software

§  Industry specialize audit software

§  Utility software

W ch.16

Reading notes


Evidence collection:  Systems testing

§ Test data

§  Code Review

§ Code Comparison

W ch.17

Reading notes


Evidence collection:  Concurrent Auditing Techniques

n   Audit automation

n   Integrated Test facility


W ch. 18

Reading notes


assignment discussion

§  Test data

§  Data extraction

§  Audit documentation

§  Audit conclusion

§  Audit recommendation




Final Exam

§  All material, include assignment


Computer Assignment  due


Learning and Teaching

There will be one 2 hour lecture per week.

Individual structured computer assignment

Library research and Literature review article writing


Learning Outcomes

After passing this course the student should be able to:
· appreciate the relationship between risk and control as applied to the use of computers
· understand the role of the auditor in relation to information systems
· understand the use of information systems audit techniques
· appreciate how the computer can assist the audit process.


This subject will be assessed by:

1.     Home work 10%

2.     Midterm examination up to 20%

3.     Final examination  up to 50%

4.     Assignment (case study  in audit of Andalas Credit Union) 20%

5.     Term paper on IS Audit 20%

Literature Review Article Writing Assignment due on week 11

You are required to write an literature review article based on only 4(four) authoritative references from journal articles/book chapters. (Reference from individual web block is not allowed), choose the topic based on the lecturing material. Your have to get approval for your topic by showing your references on week 4.  There are one class meeting on week 5 for planing and starting this paper writing. The paper length is 1000-1500 words only. Use APA reference style for citation.


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